The Neighbourhood Plan was begun in 2019.
Do you want to have a say in the future developments within Ingham? We can decide for ourselves how our village will evolve over the next 20 years. The Central Lincolnshire Plan shows a need for 63 more residences in Ingham, there are currently planning applications that have been submitted for more than this. If you want to have your voice heard as to what else is built over the next 20 years, now is your opportunity to influence this. The Parish Council have already started the formal process, the documents for this can be viewed under the Resources page. The Parish Council have appointed Cllr Nick Brown, Cllr Mark Nicholson and Cllr Gill Stonham to manage this process from a Council perspective. The committee is comprised of, Christine Walker, Kathryn Jones, Gill Stonham, Maggie Warren.