20th May 2024 APCM Agenda


The Annual Meeting of Ingham Parish Council will take place in Ingham & Cammeringham Village Hall on Monday 20th May 2024 from 7.30pm


1             Election of Chairman

2             To receive the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office

3             Election of Vice Chairman

4             To receive the Vice Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Officer

5             To receive Councillors’ Declaration of acceptance forms

6             Apologies for absence

7             Declarations of interest from members in accordance with the Local Government Act (members may

make declarations of interest and dispensations at this point but may also make them at any time during the course

of the meeting)

8             Village Caretaker’s report

9             Appointments of: Safety Officer, P3 Liaison Officer, Remembrance Group Working Party Rep                          

Ingham & Cammeringham Village Hall Rep, Ingham Practice Patients Group Rep, Councillor responsible for

GDPR, Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group members, Village Venture representative

10           Notes of the Meeting of Ingham Parish Council held on the 22nd April 2024 to be approved as

the Minutes

11           Appointment of Internal Auditor/Independent Examiner

12           Approve Standing Orders and Financial Regulations

13           Approve Complaints procedure

14           Approve the Publication Scheme

15           Approve the procedure for handling requests under the Freedom of Information Act 2000

16           Approve Employment Policies and Disciplinary and Grievance Policy Procedure

17           Approve all other policies

18           Review and appointment to committees

19           Review inventory of land and assets

20           Adopt the section 137 limit 24/25 and review use in 23/24

21           Police statistics

22           Clerk’s report on matters outstanding

23           P3 Liaison Officer’s report

24           Items raised by Councillors for future agenda

25           County Council Issues

26           District Council issues

27           Data Protection Fee Decision to renew

28           Confirmation of insurance cover and Annual Insurance Renewal Review and decision on insurance provider

29           Internal Audit Report Review of report

30           Meeting dates 2024/25 Agree dates for forthcoming period

31           Financial report including resolution to make payments to: Mr G. Monks (Salary April 2024); Mr. M.

Couzens (Salary April 2024); G.Stonham (reimbursement tree protectors) £23.99, G. Monks (reimbursement

laminating pouches) £4.99, Glendale Countryside Ltd (Grass cut 19th April) £570

Year End Accounts Review of performance 23/24

32           External Audit Consideration of exemption

33           Approval of The Annual Governance Statement

34           Consideration of Accounting statements

35           Approval of the Accounting Statements

36           Chairman to sign and date the Accounting Statements

37           Planning Matters to be Reported and Considered: None

38           Risk Assessment report Clerk to present report

39           Neighbourhood Planning Update

40           Multi Use Games Area Update

41           Solar proposals Update

42           Play Area rent Review of rent charges

43           Tree Survey Decision to request for Saxon Way

44           Commemorative Tree Consider tree options

45           Summer fair Request to use The Green/ car park/ field

46           Correspondence received

47           Date of next Parish Council Meeting

GMonks               8/5/24