10th July 2023 Agenda



The Monthly Meeting of Ingham Parish Council will take place at Ingham and Cammeringham Village Hall on Monday 10th July 2023.


The meeting will commence at 7.00 pm with a public forum lasting 15 minutes, during which time members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council on any relevant parish topic or agenda item, in accordance with standing orders. The meeting proper will start at the end of the public forum where the public cannot take part in the proceedings of the Council unless requested to do so by the Chairman.




1.            Apologies for absence

2.            Consideration of public session matters

3.            Declarations of interest and dispensations from members in accordance with the Local Government Act (members may make declarations of interest or request dispensation at this point but may also make them at any time during the course of the meeting)

4.            Village Caretaker report

5.            Notes of the Meeting of Ingham Parish Council held on the 12th June 2023 to be approved as the Minutes

6.            Police report Update from PCSO Julie McFaul

7.            Clerk’s report on matters outstanding

8.            P3 Liaison Officer’s report

9.            Items raised by Councillors for future agenda

10.         County Council Issues

11.         District Council Issues

12.         Nicholsons Payroll Services Decision to pay fee and continue with service

13.         Financial report including resolution to make payments to: Mr G. Monks (Salary June 2023), M.Couzens (Salary June 2023), Green Grass Contracting (inv 2904) £927.36, Village Venture (2023/24 publishing cost) £220, Nicholsons (Payroll services 22/23) £300, West Lindsey District Council (Uncontested election costs) £121.86

14.         Planning Matters to be Reported and Considered:

146742: 3 Grange Lane Ingham Lincoln LN1 2YD, proposed change of use of existing

outbuilding to form an annexe – ratify comment.

146786: 14 Saxon Way Ingham Lincoln LN1 2FP, removal of existing conservatory and

replacement with single storey extension.

146819: Johnnies Farm, The Cliff, Ingham, Lincoln, Lincoln, LN1 2YQ Erection of 2 No. additional poultry houses with associated control room, feed weighing room, feed bins, heat exchangers, and an extension to the concrete apron.

15.         Risk Assessment Play Area and Playground Clerk to present report

16.         Multi Use Games Area and car park surface Review outcome of grant meeting

17.         Neighbourhood Plan Update on progress

18.         New Speed Indicator Device Decide upon next steps

19.         Solar farm proposals Update

20.         Defibrillators Decide whether to replace

21.         Tennis Court Sheds Consider the condition of the sheds

22.         Scampton Base Update on current situation

23.         Correspondence received

24.         Date of Next Meeting