8th June 2020



The Monthly Meeting of Ingham Parish Council will take place by Zoom on Monday 8th June 2020.


The meeting will commence at 7.00 pm with a public forum lasting 15 minutes, during which time members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council on any relevant parish topic or agenda item, in accordance with standing orders.

The meeting proper will start at the end of the public forum where the public cannot take part in the proceedings of the Council unless requested to do so by the Chairman.




  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Consideration of public session matters
  3. Declarations of interest and dispensations from members in accordance with the Local Government Act (members may make declarations of interest or request dispensation at this point but may also make them at any time during the course of the meeting)
  4. Village Caretaker report
  5. Notes of the Annual Meeting of Ingham Parish Council held on the 11th May 2020 to be approved as the Minutes
  6. Police report Update from PCSO Julie McFaul
  7. Clerk’s report on matters outstanding
  8. P3 Liaison Officer’s report
  9. Items raised by Councillors for future agenda
  10. County Council Issues
  11. District Council Issues
  12. Internal Audit Report Review of report and approval of payment
  13. Lincolnshire Fieldpaths Association Decision whether to subscribe
  14. Financial report including resolution to make payments to: Mr G. Monks (Salary May 2020); M.Couzens (Salary May 2020); G.Monks (mileage) £17.10;  B.Solly (Internal Audit Fee) £40; Lincolnshire Fieldpaths (2020/21 subscription) £5; Green Grass Contracting (Grass Cut 15/5) £374.40
  15. Planning Matters to be Reported and Considered: 140773, Land to north of Farrows Row Ingham Lincoln

LN1 2XX erect 1no. dwelling, considering access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, being variation

of condition 2 of planning permission 139640 granted 16 November 2019 - inclusion of residential accommodation

at first floor – withdrawn.

  1. Risk Assessment Play Area and Playground: Clerk to present report
  2. Consideration of the Annual Governance Statements
  3. Approval of The Annual Governance Statement
  4. Consideration of Accounting statements
  5. Approval of the Accounting Statements
  6. Chairman to sign and date the Accounting Statements
  7. Neighbourhood Plan Update and Green Space Assessment
  8. COVID-19 Review of current community measures and grant spend
  9. Village Hall Funding
  10. Little Acorns Request for support
  11. Fleur’s Kitchen Ratify decision to allow the use of the car park
  12. Zoom subscription Decide whether to share subscription with Glentworth Parish Council
  13. Correspondence received
  14. Date of Next Meeting





GMonks              3/6/20




Gavin Monks, Clerk to the Council,  Bramley House, Church Street, Glentworth, Lincolnshire, DN215DG

Telephone 01427 668936  Email inghampc@gmail.com Website http://parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/ingham