9th November 2020 Minutes


Minutes of the Meeting of Ingham Parish Council (via TEAMS)

Date: Monday 9th November 2020

Venue: Microsoft Teams

Attendance: Councillors: M. Nicholson (Chairman), N. Brown (Vice Chairman), R. Graham, B.Buck, R.Woods and G. Stonham. Also attending: G. Monks (Clerk), M. Couzens (Village Caretaker), and 1 member of the public.


470/November 2020 Apologies for Absence

Apologies received and accepted from Councillors M.Dickinson and S.Harris.  Also, PCSO McFaul, County Councillor Butroid, District Councillor R. Patterson

471/November 2020 Declarations of interest from members in accordance with the Local Government Act (members may make declarations of interest and dispensations at this point but may also make them at any time during the course of the meeting)

472/November 2020 Village Caretaker’s report

The Village Caretaker has cleaned the war memorial, cleared debris from an accident at Crossways, replaced shelving and tidied the Book Exchange and cleared broken glass in the play park.  He also reported empty drink cans and burnt books on the playing field.

473/November 2020 Notes of the Meeting of Ingham Parish Council held on the 12th October 2020 to be approved as the Minutes

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Minutes of the meeting on 12th October 2020 with one amendment.

474/November 2020 Police Report

PCSO McFaul reported that on 16/10/20 a campfire/drinking in the copse at the end of Long Lane was logged. There have since been regular patrols and there have been no further sightings of any evidence of Anti-Social Behaviour.  Also, on 16/10/20, harecoursing was reported on Stow Lane.  On 01/11/20, a male on a mobility scooter with no lights with a dog heading towards Stow was reported. On attending the location no sightings were made. On 03/11/20, there was a road traffic accident at the crossroads at Lincoln Road and Stow Lane. One of the vehicles was believed to be going too fast.  On 07/11/20, a breach of COVID rules was reported.  PCSO McFaul patrolled the area whilst on late duties.

475/November 2020 Clerk’s report on matters outstanding

The Clerk reported that the post box stump on Lincoln Road has not yet been removed. Lincoln Road development— the transfer of open space continues. A tree survey of trees on The Green and pond site was delayed due to COVID restrictions.  It is hoped this will be scheduled for December. Play area lease - Chattertons have drafted the changes. Long Lane classification – Councillor Harris is pursuing this. Faster Broadband – Councillor Harris is looking into this and the offer from Quantum Fibre. Playing Field/ Bowls Green hedge cut – the Clerk has asked Green Grass Contracting to schedule this.  Dead Tree on The Green – removal and replacement is awaited.  Speed Indicator Device – options were discussed later in the meeting.  Little Acorns – Councillors confirmed that the Clerk should order Waffle Blocks for the pre-school.  Dog Bin Long Lane – The Clerk noted that WLDC are able to install a dog bin for £150 adjacent to the seat.  Councillors asked the Clerk to arrange for this. Car Parking, High Street – the Clerk has received complaints about cars parking on the verge between the junction with Lincoln Road and the Black Horse. LCC Highways have suggested installing wooden posts as a deterrent.  Councillors asked for a site meeting to be arranged with Highways.  A parishioner has requested that Cherry Trees on West End are cropped.  The Clerk will add these to the tree survey. 

476/November 2020 P3 Liaison Officers report

Councillor Buck said footpaths are all walkable although muddy.

477/November 2020 Items raised by Councillors for future agenda items

Councillor Brown noted that the Village Venture is now also being distributed to Glentworth.  Councillor Buck thanked the Chairman for the organization of the laying of the Remembrance Wreath.  Councillor Nicholson highlighted concerns over the safety at the junction of Lincoln Road and Stow Lane.  The Clerk was asked to request that road markings are refreshed and to contact the County Councillor to seek his backing for improvements.  Councillor Nicholson also said that he had been made aware of the poor installation of telegraph poles on Ingham Lane.  The Clerk will watch for a forthcoming consultation about this.

478/November 2020 Countv Council Issues

There was no report.

479/November 2020 District Council issues

There was no report.

480/November 2020 Financial report including resolution to make payments to:


Cheque Number              Payee                                                                                                                                                   Amount

1693                                       G.Monks (salary October 2020)                                                                                                 

1694                                       M. Couzens (salary October 2020)                                                                                           

1697                                       Royal British Legion (Wreaths) expenditure under LGA 1972 s137 free resource  £35

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to pay cheques 1693 to 1697.

481/November 2020 Website Development

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to pay the Clerk at his hourly rate for 13 hours work.

482/October 2020 Consideration of budgetary items 2021/22 and agreement of estimated precept

Councillors discussed possible budgetary considerations and precept levels.  Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to request an estimated precept increase of 3% being £21,996.

483/November 2020 Planning Matters to be Reported and Considered

Decision Notices: 141503, Farriers Cottage 16 High Street Ingham Lincoln LN1 2YW, proposed conversion of garage and construction of link to form additional accommodation – granted. 141514, Land to north of Farrows Row Ingham Lincoln LN1 2XX, erect 1no. dwelling being to vary condition 3 of planning permission 141062 granted 30 July 2020 - amendment to drawings to include an integral garage with living accommodation or storage within the dormer roof space – granted. 041714, Outside Longstone House, The Green, Ingham, Lincoln, LN1 2XT, 5 day notice to fell one

dead medlar tree outside Longstone House, within the Ingham conservation area – granted.

484/November 2020 Risk Assessment Play Area

The Clerk presented the report showing that the play equipment is operationally safe to use and defibrillators are emergency ready.

485/November 2020 Neighbourhood Plan

Councillor Nicholson updated Councillors with progress made.  Following feedback from landowners, AECOM have been contacted however they do not want to amend the report.  A public consultation will be arranged as soon as possible which will include both electronic means to review the report content and a physical means.

486/November 2020 COVID-19

Springline have updated their list of support.  The Parish Council has been made aware of a fatality due to COVID 19 in the village.  Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to close the Tennis Court to comply with current Government guidance during lockdown.

487/November 2020 Village Hall update

There was nothing reported.

488/November 2020 Playground deed of variation

Councillors agreed that the variation was accurate once typos are corrected.

489/November 2020 Speed Indicator Device

The Clerk presented speed indicator options noting that ANPR versions were extremely expensive and carry certain issues over handling of personal data.  Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to purchase a Messagemaker device for the village and look into the option of solar power.

490/November 2020 Recreation Area Project

Councillors noted that new equipment should be suitable for teenagers through to toddlers and there should also be provision for disabled use.  The Clerk has arranged to meet with Kompan for an initial review on 12th November.

491/November 2020 Car Parking

Councillor Graham raised the idea of white line marking on the footpath between the Black Horse and eastern end of the High Street to highlight that this a pedestrian area and should not have cars parked over it.  The Clerk will arrange for a site meeting with the Highways Officer once restrictions allow for this.

492/November 2020 Woodland Trust

Councillor Brown said that Ingham Primary School are looking at options for the introduction of trees in the Wildlife Area.

493/November 2020 Christmas Tree

The Christmas Tree will be delivered on 1st December 2020.  Councillor Nicholson will arrange for the lights to be put up.  It is thought that the Christmas Tree ceremony will not be able to take place due to Government restrictions on public meetings.

494/November 2020 Snow clearance arrangements

The Clerk confirmed that Mr. Wilson had kindly moved the grit supply to his premises.  Councillors will liaise, when there is snow, to arrange for grit delivery to the village.

495/November 2020 Correspondence Received

All correspondence was discussed as part of agenda items.

496/November 2020 Date of the next Parish Council meeting

The next Ingham Parish Council meeting will be on held on 14th December 2020.


Meeting Ended 20.50