12th October 2020 Minutes
Minutes of the Meeting of Ingham Parish Council (via TEAMS)
Date: Monday 12th October 2020
Venue: Microsoft Teams
Attendance: Councillors: M. Nicholson (Chairman), N. Brown (Vice Chairman), R. Graham, S.Harris, B.Buck, R.Woods and G. Stonham. Also attending: G. Monks (Clerk), and 1 member of the public.
444/October 2020 Apologies for Absence
Apologies received and accepted from Councillor M.Dickinson and PCSO McFaul, County Councillor Butroid, M. Couzens (Village Caretaker), District Councillor R. Patterson
445/October 2020 Declarations of interest from members in accordance with the Local Government Act (members may make declarations of interest and dispensations at this point but may also make them at any time during the course of the meeting)
446/October 2020 Village Caretaker’s report
The Village Caretaker has been cleaning play equipment, clearing fallen branches and completing safety checks of equipment. The Clerk will ask him to clean the war memorial ahead of Remembrance Day.
447/October 2020 Notes of the Meeting of Ingham Parish Council held on the 14th September 2020 to be approved as the Minutes
Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Minutes of the meeting on 14th September 2020.
448/October 2020 Police Report
There have been 5 incidents reported. On 21/09/2020 a suspicious van was seen on Stow Lane at around 13:40 – unfortunately the wrong registration was given to the police. On 23/09/2020 there was a possible breach of Covid 19 in the village – all was in order upon police arrival. On 24/09/2020 beer cans found behind a property on The Green. On
30/09/2020 Malicious/Nuisance communications was reported. On 02/10/2020 a suspicious van was seen on Lincoln Rd – Police attended and it was a removal van.
449/October 2020 Clerk’s report on matters outstanding
The Clerk reported that the post box stump on Lincoln Road has not yet been removed. Lincoln Road development— the transfer of open space continues. A tree survey of trees on The Green and pond is currently being completed. Play area lease - Chattertons have drafted the changes. Work to transition to a new Parish Council website has been completed (ingham.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk). The speed and footpath issue on Church Hill around the Church has been reported to LCC. Long Lane classification – Councillor Harris is pursuing this. Faster Broadband – Councillor Harris reported that he had contacted Quantum Fibre who say there needs to be a minimum uptake of 25 households or more to achieve 120mbps speeds connected free of charge but with a £29 per month fee. Parishioners should register their interest on the Quantum Fibre website (https://quantumairfibre.com/broadband-for-homes/). Grange Lane Parking and Planning –Highways are trying to contact the homeowner. Neighbourhood Watch – PCSO McFaul is looking into this. Playing Field/ Bowls Green hedge cut – the Clerk has asked Green Grass Contracting to schedule this. Dead Tree on The Green – WLDC have sanctioned the tree removal. Mr Miller has kindly offered to replace the tree with a Medlar within 5m of the original site. Remembrance wreaths – these have been requested.
450/October 2020 P3 Liaison Officers report
Councillor Buck said footpaths are all walkable although footpath 17/2 is slippery. It was noted that poo bags are not always being disposed of in the dog bins.
451/October 2020 Items raised by Councillors for future agenda items
Councillor Nicholson said that the Woodland Trust are offering free hedges and trees. This will be an agenda item at the next meeting.
452/October 2020 Countv Council Issues
There was no report.
453/October 2020 District Council issues
There was no report.
454/October 2020 Presentation of the External Audit Report
The Clerk presented the report which found no issues.
455/October 2020 External Audit Fee
Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to pay the external audit fee of £240.
456/October 2020 Renewal of LALC News/ LCR Magazine subscription
Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to renew the subscription for LALC News and LCR Magazine.
457/October 2020 Financial report including resolution to make payments to:
Cheque Number Payee Amount
1686 G.Monks (salary September 2020 and backpay) £
1687 M. Couzens (salary September 2020 and backpay) £
1688 CPRE (subscription 2020/21) £36
1689 PKF Littlejohn LLP (External Audit Fee) £240
1690 LALC (LCR Magazine) £17.50
1691 LALC (LALC News) £9
1692 Green Grass Contracting (Grass Cuts 9/9 & 1/10) £748.80
Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to pay cheques 1686 to 1692.
458/October 2020 Consideration of budgetary items 2021/22
Councillors discussed possible budgetary considerations and suggested the speed sign, play park, car parking and conservation/ Green Space be considered.
459/October 2020 Planning Matters to be Reported and Considered
141552, Land to north of Farrows Row Ingham Lincoln LN1 2XX,- Request for confirmation of compliance with conditions 2, 4, 5 and 6 of planning permission 141062 granted 30 July 2020 – Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to return the previously submitted comments to show consistency in response.
460/Octrober 2020 Risk Assessment Play Area
The Clerk presented the report showing that the play equipment is operational safe to use and defibrillators are emergency ready. It was also reported that beer cans and evidence of fire was found in the hedge adjacent to the old caravan park and playing field. This has been reported to the police. The Village Caretaker will be asked to try to plug the hole in the hedge.
461/October 2020 Neighbourhood Plan
Councillor Nicholson updated Councillors with progress made and said that responses from landowners are being considered by the working group with respect to the Sites Assessment report. A public meeting to receive comments from residents will be arranged in due course.
462/October 2020 COVID-19
Councillors agreed to maintain current measures.
463/October 2020 Village Hall update
There was nothing reported.
464/October 2020 Speed Indicator Device
The Clerk reported that Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership had surveyed the village for the best places to locate a SID. They recommended Lincoln Road (entry to the village coming from Cammeringham), The High Street near to the Black Horse pub, and Church Hill near to the Church. The Clerk said he had tried to find a SID that recorded car registration details of those that speed but this has GDPR implications. The Clerk will present further options at the next meeting.
465/October 2020 Recreation Area Project
Councillors agreed that this needs to be kick started as soon as possible but cautioned that funding may not be easy to find currently.
466/October 2020 Street Lighting
It was agreed to keep the need for street lighting changes under review.
467/October 2020 Parish Council website
Councillors asked for a link to be added to the Village Venture. The Clerk will update dead links on the Neighbourhood Plan page.
468/October 2020 Correspondence Received
All correspondence was discussed as part of agenda items with the exception of a road closure notice for Grange Lane between 26/10 and 8/11 for work by Anglian Water.
469/October 2020 Date of the next Parish Council meeting
The next Ingham Parish Council meeting will be on held on 9th November 2020.
Meeting Ended 20.33