14th September 2020 Minutes
Minutes of the Meeting of Ingham Parish Council (via TEAMS)
Date: Monday 14th September 2020
Venue: Microsoft Teams
Attendance: Councillors: M. Nicholson (Chairman), N. Brown (Vice Chairman), R. Graham, B.Buck and G. Stonham. Also attending: G. Monks (Clerk), M. Couzens (Village Caretaker), District Councillor R. Patterson and 1 member of the public.
414/September 2020 Apologies for Absence
Councillors M.Dickinson, S. Harris, R.Woods and PCSO McFaul, County Councillor Butroid.
415/September 2020 Non-attendance of Councillor
Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to accept the reason for absence of Councillor Dickinson.
416/September 2020 Declarations of interest from members in accordance with the Local Government Act (members may make declarations of interest and dispensations at this point but may also make them at any time during the course of the meeting)
417/September 2020 Village Caretaker’s report
The Village Caretaker reported that he has repaired wooden bins, cleared beer cans from the play area, used pink spray to highlight dog fouling on Saxon Way and completed play area safety checks. The Tennis Court noticeboard will be removed as it is in a poor state of repair.
418/September 2020 Notes of the Meeting of Ingham Parish Council held on the 13th July 2020 to be approved as the Minutes
Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Minutes of the meeting on 13th July 2020.
419/September 2020 Police Report
There have been 3 incidents reported. On 20/7/20 there was a burglary on a site on Lincoln Road, 2/8/20 there was an abandoned call to the police, 5/8/20 there was a suspicious vehicle reported on Long Lane.
420/September 2020 Speed Indicator Device
The Clerk provided an overview of options and the process that would need to be followed. The Clerk will ask LRSP to review locations in the village and ask if there is an option to identify registration plates.
421/September 2020 Clerk’s report on matters outstanding
The Clerk reported that the post box stump on Lincoln Road has not yet been removed. Lincoln Road development— the transfer of open space continues. A tree survey of trees on The Green and pond site scheduled for September/ October. Play area lease — an update from Chattertons is awaited. Work to transition to a new Parish Council website is near completion (ingham.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk). Councillors agreed that the Clerk should purchase pdf/A software if required. The speed and footpath issue on Church Hill around the Church has been reported to LCC. Long Lane classification – Councillor Harris is pursuing this. Faster Broadband – Councillor Harris is looking at options. Grange Lane Parking and Planning –Planning Enforcement have found no breach of planning. Highways are trying to contact the owner to ask that there is no parking on the verge that has been gravelled. Neighbourhood Watch – the leader of the Ingham NW has resigned with no replacement to date. Village Venture magazine is now able to publish the Minutes again. The Clerk has asked Green Grass Contracting to schedule a hedge cut of the playing field and bowls green hedge.
422/September 2020 P3 Liaison Officers report
Councillor Buck said footpaths are all walkable.
423/September 2020 Items raised by Councillors for future agenda items
Councillor Graham requested that car parking is an agenda item at the next meeting.
424/September 2020 Countv Council Issues
There was no report.
425/September 2020 District Council issues
District Councillor Patterson reported that the Leader of WLDC had stepped down and there are an increasing number of planning matters that are proceeding without permission being required.
426/September 2020 CPRE Renewal
Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to renew the subscription for 2020/21 at a cost of £36.
427/September 2020 Financial report including resolution to make payments to:
Cheque Number Payee Amount
1678 G.Monks (salary July 2020)
1679 M. Couzens (salary July 2020)
1680 G.Monks (salary August 2020)
1681 M. Couzens (salary August 2020)
1682 Wicksteed Leisure Ltd (Annual Play Inspection) £96
1683 Green Grass Contracting (Grass cuts 7/7 & 6/8 & footpath strim 13/7) £927
1684 G.Monks (reimbursement pink spray) £22.06
1685 M. Couzens (reimbursement wood and bolts) £22.83
Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to pay cheques 1678 to 1685.
428/September 2020 Consideration of budgetary items 2021/22
Councillors discussed possible budgetary considerations.
429/September 2020 Employee Salary
Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to adopt the new NALC salary rates for the Clerk and Village Caretaker, backdated to April 2020.
430/September 2020 Planning Matters to be Reported and Considered
141503, Farriers Cottage 16 High Street Ingham Lincoln LN1 2YW, proposed conversion of garage and construction of link to form additional accommodation – comments were recorded of concern over increases in numbers using the holiday let causing parking issues, its in a conservation area and surface water should not drain into the foul sewer.
141514, Land to north of Farrows Row Ingham Lincoln LN1 2XX, erect 1no. dwelling being to vary condition 3 of
planning permission 141062 granted 30 July 2020 - amendment to drawings to include an integral garage with
living accommodation within the dormer roof space – comments sent for 141062 will be re-sent.
Decision Notice: 141217, Cliff Farm The Cliff Ingham Lincoln LN1 2YQ, erect a general
agricultural machinery storage building – granted. 141062, Land to north of Farrows Row Ingham Lincoln
LN1 2XX, erect 1no. dwelling – granted.
431/September 2020 Risk Assessment Play Area
The Clerk presented the report showing that the play equipment is operational safe to use but noted some uneven surfaces in the play area and on the playing field. The Village Caretaker will fill these with soil.
432/September 2020 Neighbourhood Plan
Councillor Nicholson updated Councillors with progress made. A site assessment report has been sent landowners for their comment and information. It will also be shared with WLDC. There will be a public event in due course to record residents’ comments. The Clerk will circulate Councillor Graham’s comments to the working group and there will be a meeting of the working group on 24th September. Councillors also made comment about the need for improved parking in the village and a new secondary school locally.
Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to apply for a Locality grant for design code work by Openplan. The Clerk is also assessing the application for an Environmental policy from AECOM.
433/September 2020 COVID-19
Councillors agreed to maintain current measures.
434/September 2020 Village Hall funding and Risk Assessments
Councillors noted the assessments for hiring the Village Hall.
435/September 2020 Review of Vendor use of the car park
Responses from Curry Jacks and Fleurs Kitchen were reviewed by Councillors with respect to COVID measures and safety in the car park and it was agreed to allow continued use.
436/September 2020 Remembrance Day Civic Event
Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to purchase 2 wreaths if the event is to take place.
437/September 2020 Long Lane Seat and Dog Bin
Councillors agreed that a new dog bin should be requested from WLDC to be located adjacent to the new seat at the end of Long Lane.
438/September 2020 Grass Cutting Complaint and Hedge Cut of the Bowling Green
Councillors reviewed the complaint about grass clippings at the end of West End and the Clerk will notify Green Grass Contracting. The Clerk was asked to request that Green Grass Contracting cut the bowling green hedge.
439/September 2020 Christmas Tree
Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to purchase a Christmas Tree and to sponsor the Christmas Tree lighting ceremony if it takes place.
440/September 2020 Tree on The Green
The Clerk explained the kind offer made by Mr. Miller to remove a dead Medlar Tree close to Longstone House and replace with the same species. The Clerk noted that since it is located on The Green and in the conservation area that agreement had to be sought from WLDC. The Clerk will arrange for this. Councillors thanked Mr. Miller for this kind gesture.
441/September 2020 Street Lighting
The need for additional lighting and changes to hours was discussed. The Clerk will ask PCSO McFaul if there are any areas in her opinion that need to be assessed. The Clerk will also check what the costs are of additional lighting.
442/September 2020 Correspondence Received
All correspondence was discussed as part of agenda items.
443/September 2020 Date of the next Parish Council meeting
The next Ingham Parish Council meeting will be on held on 12th October 2020.
Meeting Ended 21.01