6th April 2020


Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Ingham Parish Council (via SKYPE)

Date: Monday 6th April 2020

Venue: Ingham & Cammeringham Village Hall

Attendance: Councillors: M. Nicholson (Chairman), N. Brown (Vice Chairman), S. Harris, R. Woods, R. Graham and G. Stonham. Also attending: G. Monks (Clerk), M. Couzens (Village Caretaker).


300/April 2020 Apologies for Absence

Councillors B.Buck, M.Dickinson and District Councillor R. Patterson and PCSO McFaul

301/April 2020 Declarations of interest from members in accordance with the Local Government Act (members may make declarations of interest and dispensations at this point but may also make them at any time during the course of the meeting)

302/April 2020 Village Caretaker’s report

The Village Caretaker reported that litter picks and safety checks had been undertaken.  The Little Acorns shed in the Tennis Court has been damaged.  The Chairman reminded the Village Caretaker of the need to socially distance whilst doing his duties.

303/April 2020 Notes of the Meeting of Ingham Parish Council held on the 9th March 2020 to be approved as the Minutes

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Minutes of the meeting on 9th March 2020.

304/April 2020 Police Report

There were no reports received.

305/April 2020 Clerk’s report on matters outstanding

The Clerk reported that the post box stump on Lincoln Road has not yet been removed. The steps on Grange Lane have been scheduled for repair by LCC. Lincoln Road development— the transfer of open space continues. A tree survey of trees on The Green and pond site is arranged for Spring 2020. Play area lease — school have confirmed the point of contact at LCC. Flooding on Long Lane has been reported to LCC and Northern Power have been contacted. The height and health of the hedge bordering the footpath adjacent to Grange Close has been reported to LCC. Work to transition to a new Parish Council website has been delayed by LCC. A damaged road sign at the junction of Church Hill and Middle Street has been reported to LCC. The speed and footpath issue on Church Hill around the Church has been reported to LCC.

306/April 2020 P3 Liaison Officers report

Councillor Woods said he had not been able to inspect the footpaths.

307/April 2020 Items raised by Councillors for future agenda items

Councillor Graham noted that the amount of grant aid to the Village Hall Committee in 2020/21 may be impacted by the COVID-19 issue. Councillor Nicholson recommended that there should be a community celebration once the COVID-19 issue has passed.  

308/April 2020 Countv Council Issues

No report.

309/April 2020 District Council issues

No report.

310/April 2020 Neighbourhood Plan

It was agreed that the invoice from Openplan should be paid. Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to make an end of grant payment to Groundwork UK for unused funds and to re-apply for funding once the grant window re-opens.

311/April 2020 Nicholsons’ Fees

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to pay the 2019/20 accountants fees of £360.

312/April 2020 Financial report including resolution to make payments to:


Cheque Number   Payee                                                                                                              Amount

1655                                 Openplan Consultants Ltd (Draft Neighbourhood Plan)                                      £3274.56

1656                                 G.Monks (salary March 2020)                                                                         

1657                                 M. Couzens (salary March 2020)                                                                      

1660                                 Nicholsons Accountants Ltd (Payroll fees 2019/20)                                            £360

1661                                 Groundwork UK (End of grant refund)                                                              £2,176.40

1662                                 LALC (Membership 2020/21)                                                                           £256.36

1663                                 G. Monks (mileage)                                                                                          £13.05

1664                                 G. Monks (reimbursement Clerks laptop)                                                           £397

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to pay cheques 1655 to 1664 and to earmark £1,500 for the play park project and £493 for any expenditure relating to COVID-19.

The Clerk noted that parishioners’ council tax bills showed a marginal decrease in value for the Parish Council element and this is due to an increase in population during the year diluting the fee per household.

313/April 2020 Planning Matters to be Reported and Considered

140773, Land to north of Farrows Row Ingham Lincoln LN1 2XX, Reserved matters application to erect 1no. dwelling, considering access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, being variation of condition 2 of planning permission 139640 granted 16 November 2019 - inclusion of residential accommodation at first floor – Councillors commented about it being in the Conservation Area, the impact of parking on High Street, parking, size and concern about the impact on pedestrians.

314/April 2020 Adoption of Special Measures

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to adopt special measures relating to the operation of the Parish Council.  The Parish Council can meet and make decisions virtually. A limited number of the public may join a virtual meeting.  The Annual Parish Council Meeting can therefore be held.  The Clerk was given an increased spend limit of £493 to account for any emergency purchases that may be required.  The safety of employees and the public is of paramount importance.

315/April 2020 COVID-19 Community Support Actions

Councillor Nicholson noted that 35 members of the community had put their names forward as points of contact to help any vulnerable or self isolating household in the village.  He thanked the public for their support.  There have been some calls for help from parishioners.

316/April 2020 Public Space Closure

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to lock the playing field/ play area and tennis court gates in line with government advice received.

317/April 2020 Correspondence Received

All correspondence was discussed as part of agenda items.

318/April 2020 Date of the next Parish Council meeting

The Annual Ingham Parish Council meeting will be on held on 11'h May 2020.


Meeting Ended    20.11