9th March 2020
Minutes of the Meeting of Ingham Parish Council
Date: Monday 9th March 2020
Venue: Ingham & Cammeringham Village Hall
Attendance: Councillors: M. Nicholson (Chairman), N. Brown (Vice Chairman), M. Dickinson, S. Harris, R. Woods, R. Graham and B. Buck. Also attending: G. Monks (Clerk), M. Couzens (Village Caretaker) and 24 members of the public.
275/March 2020 Public Session
Members of the public raised the following concerns:
- There has been flooding in the field between the lngham Practice and Saxon Way. There is concern that flooding will be exacerbated should this field be developed.
- There is no footpath on Church Hill around the Ch urchyard perimeter. The parishioner suggested that the highway priority is changed to a single lane. The Parish Council were also asked to address speeding issues in this area too
- Parking on Lincoln Road is an issue.
276/May 2020 Apologies for Absence
Councillor G. Stonham, District Councillor Patterson, PCSO McFaul
277/May 2020 Considerations of public session matters
Councillors agreed the following:
- The sluice on the dyke in ‘The Hollow’ is regularly cleared. Mr. Duckworth has extensive knowledge of the drainage in the village and will be consulted on this issue.
- The Clerk will contact LCC Highways to request assistance with the speeding and footpath issues. The Parish Council will also assess the need for an electronic speed warning sign.
- The Neighbourhood Plan could include measures to address any parking issue on Lincoln Road.
278/March 2020 Declarations of interest from members in accordance with the Local Government Act (members may make declarations of interest and dispensations at this point but may also make them at any time during the course of the meeting)
279/March 2020 Village Caretaker’s report
The Village Caretaker reported that he had cleared leaves on Grange Lane, cleared fallen branches from the old pond site adjacent to the Church, and cleared leaves from outside the shop. A bench on Long Lane is showing signs of rot and may need replacing. The Village Caretaker requested a paint template so that disabled parking markings can be refreshed in the car park.
280/March 2020 Notes of the Meeting of Ingham Parish Council held on the 10th February 2020 to be approved as the Minutes
Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Minutes of the meeting on 10th February 2020.
281/March 2020 Actions relating to the public meeting held on 12th February 2020
Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Minutes of the public meeting held on 12th February. This will be ratified at the next public meeting.
The Chairman clarified Waddington Developments came to the public session at the Parish Council meeting in January 2020
and informed the Parish Council that they had been approached by some parishioners asking for bungalows. They then presented an idea to build bungalows on land north and south of the existing Lincoln Road development. The Parish Council have not shown support for this idea and it is not clear whether the proposal will progress to a planning application.
282/March 2020 Neighbourhood Plan
The Chairman made a statement that addressed remarks made by the public about his alleged friendship with an architect of proposed developments in the Village. This is completely refuted and there is no inappropriate relationship.
The Chairman presented an overview of the need for a Neighbourhood Plan and its’ benefits to the community.
Members of the public asked a number of questions. In response to these the Clerk will check whether the owners of new houses on Lincoln Road will be responsible for the maintenance of new hedges planted to replace those that were removed when the houses were built. The Neighbourhood Plan will be a legal document that must be considered during the Planning process. Without this planning could be passed for anywhere in the village, where public support can be shown, despite the village exceeding the allocation in the Local Plan. The Local Plan allocation for towns and villages is currently being assessed by the County Council following their call for sites. The Parish Council conducted its own call for sites in order to assess what future planning applications could be put forward over the coming 20 years so that these could be independently assessed by Aecom as to whether they may be appropriate or not. The Neighbourhood Plan will reflect this analysis and the public will be asked to review it also. A green space assessment is also being undertaken so that areas of green space can be protected with the agreement of the landowner. Openplan and Locality are assisting the Parish Council with these processes.
Residents can keep up to date with progress by visiting the Neighbourhood Plan website (www.inghamndp.org), reading the Minutes in Village Venture, on Ingham Community Matters Facebook page or by joining the Steering Committee. The Parish Council intend to engage with lngham School to obtain the input of the children from the village. Once the Neighbourhood Plan draft is finalised it will be assessed by an independent examiner and then a referendum will be held where residents will be able to vote whether to adopt it or not.
283/March 2020 Police Report
A report by PCSO McFaul noted that there had been suspicious vehicle seen on The Cliff (20/02/2020) and had been flooding on Stow Lane (16/02/2020).
284/March 2020 Clerk’s report on matters outstanding
The Clerk reported that the post box stump on Lincoln Road has not yet been removed. The steps on Grange Lane have been scheduled for repair by LCC. Lincoln Road development— the transfer of open space continues. A tree survey of trees on The Green and pond site is arranged for Spring 2020. Play area lease — school have confirmed the point of contact at LCC. An unstable kerb stone opposite The Inn on the Green has also been reported to LCC. Flooding on Long Lane has been reported to LCC and Northern Power have been contacted. A damaged bridge on the footpath to Fillingham has been reported to LCC. The height and health of the hedge bordering the footpath adjacent to Grange Close has been reported to LCC. The Clerk will have to transfer the current website data to a new platform by September 2020 so that support is continued from the County Council.
285/March 2020 P3 Liaison Officers report
Councillor Woods said the footpaths were in good condition however there is a dog fouling problem on footpath 27/1
286/March 2020 Items raised by Councillors for future agenda items
287/March 2020 Countv Council Issues
No report.
288/March 2020 District Council issues
The District Councillor sent apologies. His report was noted by Councillors.
289/March 2020 LALC membership and training subscriptions
Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to renew the membership to LALC at a cost of £256.36 but the Parish Council will not subscribe to the training subscription.
290/March 2020 Financial report including resolution to make payments to:
Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to pay cheques 1650 to 1654. 291/March 2020 Planning Matters to be Reported and Considered None.
292/March 2020 Risk Assessment Play Area and Playground
The Clerk presented the report which noted that the play equipment on the playing field and defibrillators were operationally
293/March 2020 Risk Assessment reports
Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to accept the risk reports Annual Review of Councillor Activities 2020, Annual Risk Assessment Review 2020, Annual Review of the Systems of Internal Control 2020, Annual Review of the Effectiveness of the Systems of Internal Control 2020 and Asset Register.
294/March 2020 Request for a donation
The Parish Council would like to support Little Acorns preschool but would like to purchase something tangible. The Clerk will respond in this regard.
295/March 2020 Play Area Deed of Variation
Councillors agreed to the suggested changes by the solicitor provided that any significant changes to the playground are approved by the Parish Council.
296/March 2020 Long Lane
Councillor Harris will liaise with the County Council about the status of Long Lane as a footpath or an unclassified road.
297/March 2020 Clerk’s Laptop
Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to purchase a new laptop for the Clerks use up to a budget of £400.
298/March 2020 Correspondence Received
All correspondence was discussed as part of agenda items except for an EMail from CPRE announcing that the Best Kept Village Competition will not be run this year due to a lack of funding. lt is hoped a new community competition will emerge in due course.
299/March 2020 Date of the next Parish Council meeting
The next meeting of Ingham Parish Council will be on held on 27'h April 2020.
Meeting Ended 21.11