10th February 2020
Minutes of the Meeting of Ingham Parish Council
Date: Monday 10th February 2020
Venue: Ingham & Cammeringham Village Hall
Attendance: Councillors: M. Nicholson (Chairman), N. Brown (Vice Chairman), M. Dickinson, S. Harris, R. Woods, R. Graham, G. Stonham. Also attending: G. Monks (Clerk), M. Couzens (Village Caretaker) and 1 member of the public.
244/ February 2020 Apologies for absence
Councillor Buck, District Councillor Roger Patterson, PCSO McFaul
245/February 2020 Consideration of public session maters
246/February 2020 Declarations of interest from members in accordance with the Local Government Act (members may make declarations of interest and dispensations at this point but may also make them at any time during the course of the meeting)
247/February 2020 Village Caretaker’s report
The Chairman welcomed the newly Village Caretaker. The roof on the ‘Little Acorns shed’ has been replaced. Low hanging branches on the trees at the pond site have been trimmed and 30mph warning signs have been refreshed.
248/February 2020 Notes of the Meeting of Ingham Parish Council held on the 13th January 2020 to be approved as
the Minutes
Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Minutes of the meeting of 13th January 2020.
249/February 2020 Police report
A report by PCSO McFaul noted that there had been a call relating to a concern for safety of an individual and an abandoned 999 call.
250/February 2020 Clerk’s report on matters outstanding
The Clerk reported that the post box stump on Lincoln Road has not yet been removed. The steps on Grange Lane have been scheduled for repair by LCC. Lincoln Road development – the transfer of open space continues and responses to searches have been made. A tree survey of trees on The Green and pond site is arranged for Spring 2020. Play area lease – school have confirmed the point of contact at LCC. An unstable kerb stone opposite The Inn on the Green has also been reported to LCC. Flooding on Long Lane has been reported to LCC. Fly Tipping of 2 tyres on Church Hill has been reported to WLDC. A damaged bridge on the footpath to Fillingham has been reported to LCC. A response has been sent to Curry Jacks about use of the car park. A damaged footpath sign at Cow Hill has been reported to LCC. The height and health of the hedge bordering the footpath adjacent to Grange Close has been reported to LCC.
251/ February 2020 P3 Liaison Officer’s report
Nothing to report..
252/February 2020 Items raised by Councillors for future agenda
Councillor Brown suggested that a response following the scheduled public meeting on 12th February should be included.
253/February 2020 County Council Issues
No report.
254/February 2020 District Council issues
The District Councillor sent apologies.
255/February 2020 Remembrance Day Civic Event
Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to approve the donation of £228.72 to All Saints’ Church and Royal British Legion, being the proceeds of the Remembrance Day Civic Event.
256/February 2020 Financial report including resolution to make payments to:
Cheque Number Payee Amount
1643 G.Monks (January 2020 salary)
1644 M. Couzens (January 2020 salary)
1645 M. Couzens (reimbursement for shed felt) £30.67
1646 Openplan Consultants Ltd (Neighbourhood Plan consultancy) £2,160
1647 All Saints’ Church (expenditure under LGA s137 free resource) £228.72
1648 Royal British Legion (expenditure under LGA s137 free resource) £228.72
1649 G. Monks (stationery) £8.85
Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to pay cheques 1643 to 1649.
257/February 2020 Budget 2020/21
The Clerk presented a revised budget. Councillors RESOLVED to finalise the budget for 2020/21.
258/February 2020 Planning Matters to be Reported and Considered
259/February 2020 Risk Assessment Play Area and Playground
The Clerk presented the report which noted that the play equipment on the playing field and defibrillators were operationally safe.
260/February 2020 Neighbourhood Plan
Councillor Nicholson summarised progress. There will be a public meeting on 12th February to which all residents of Ingham are invited to attend. The meeting will also be attended by representatives of Waddington Developments who will present on the idea of building bungalows on Lincoln Road adjacent to Ingham Practice and Crossways. Responses from the recent call for sites will also be covered. The call for sites has been undertaken to assess where development could happen over the next 20 years or so. These can then be independently assessed for suitability. Thereafter the public will be invited to have their say at a public meeting.
261/February 2020 Community Fibre Partnerships
Councillor Nicholson reported that an initial interest had been returned.
262/February 2020 Village Hall Light Repair
Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to pay the LCC invoice for the replacement of the bulb.
263/February 2020 Village Hall Committee Representative
Councillor Graham agreed to represent the Parish Council at the Village Hall Committee meetings.
264/February 2020 Request for a Donation
The Clerk was asked to request details from Little Acorns preschool of what they would use a donation for, a copy of recent budget documents and whether donations are being sought from other sources.
265/February 2020 Use of the Playing Field
Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to allow the use of the playing field on 13th September by the Ingham School PTA.
266/February 2020 Disabled Parking Spaces
Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to purchase ‘Disabled Use only’ signs for the disabled spaces in the car park and to ask the Village Caretaker to renew the paint on the disabled legends on the tarmac.
267/February 2020 Commonwealth Day
The Clerk will contact Mr Ridout with respect to arrangements.
268/February 2020 Curry Jacks
Councillors agreed to allow a three month trial of use of the car park on a Friday evening. The van must use a generator and park at the far end of the car park. A decision whether to charge for car park use will be made thereafter.
269/February 2020 Grass Cutting Agreement
Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to sign the LCC Grass Cutting Agreement for 2020/21.
270/February 2020 Open Space Transfer
Councillors reviewed the comments from the solicitor and agreed to allow the changes suggested.
271/February 2020 Correspondence Received
All correspondence was discussed as part of agenda items except for a letter from a parishioner requesting help from the Parish Council over the condition of the road surface on The Avenue. The Clerk will respond to this.
272/February 2020 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting
The next Meeting of Ingham Parish Council will be on Monday 9th March 2020.
273/February 2020 Proposal to move to closed session, in accordance with the Public Bodies (admissions to meetings) Act 1960, that in view of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are therefore instructed to withdraw from the meeting for the following items of business.
Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to enter closed session.
Meeting Ended 20.38