13th July 2020 Minutes
Minutes of the Meeting of Ingham Parish Council (via TEAMS)
Date: Monday 13th July 2020
Venue: Microsoft Teams
Attendance: Councillors: M. Nicholson (Chairman), N. Brown (Vice Chairman), S. Harris, R. Woods, R. Graham, B.Buck and G. Stonham. Also attending: G. Monks (Clerk), M. Couzens (Village Caretaker).
389/July 2020 Apologies for Absence
Councillor M.Dickinson and PCSO McFaul, District Councillor R. Patterson and County Councillor Butroid
390/July 2020 Declarations of interest from members in accordance with the Local Government Act (members may make declarations of interest and dispensations at this point but may also make them at any time during the course of the meeting)
391/July 2020 Village Caretaker’s report
The Village Caretaker reported that he has repaired the shelter in the play area, renovated the bin near Churchfield, cleared litter from the playing field and cleaned play equipment.
392/July 2020 Notes of the Meeting of Ingham Parish Council held on the 8th June 2020 to be approved as the Minutes
Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Minutes of the meeting on 8th June 2020.
393/July 2020 Police Report
There have been 2 incidents reported, firstly on 2/7/20 there was a theft from a vehicle on Saxon Way and on 5/7/20 there was damage caused to a front gate at a property on The Green.
394/July 2020 Clerk’s report on matters outstanding
The Clerk reported that the post box stump on Lincoln Road has not yet been removed. Lincoln Road development— the transfer of open space continues. A tree survey of trees on The Green and pond site is postponed until it is safe for the inspector to visit. Play area lease — an update from Chattertons is awaited. Flooding on Long Lane has been reported to LCC and Northern Power have been contacted. The height and health of the hedge bordering the footpath adjacent to Grange Close has been reported to LCC. Work to transition to a new Parish Council website has been started. A damaged road sign at the junction of Church Hill and Middle Street has been reported to LCC. The speed and footpath issue on Church Hill around the Church has been reported to LCC. Long Lane classification – Councillor Harris is pursuing this. Faster Broadband – Councillor Harris is looking at options. Sign Down on The Green – reported to LCC Highways. Low Farm Footpath sign damaged– reported to Countryside Access. Grange Lane Parking and Planning – Highways and Planning Enforcement have been asked to review the changes made.
395/July 2020 P3 Liaison Officers report
Councillor Buck said footpaths are overgrown in places but walkable including 24/1, 17/2 and 21/2. The Clerk will request a footpath cut. The Clerk will order Pink Spray for highlighting dog fouling.
396/July 2020 Items raised by Councillors for future agenda items
Councillor Graham requested that street lighting be discussed. Councillor Buck asked whether there was a neighbourhood watch scheme in the village. The Clerk will ask the PCSO and a resident whether this is currently active.
397/July 2020 Countv Council Issues
There was no report.
398/July 2020 District Council issues
There was no report.
399/July 2020 Defibrillator Pads
Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to ratify the decision to purchase replacement pads for both defibrillators. Both are now emergency ready.
400/July 2020 Financial report including resolution to make payments to:
Cheque Number Payee Amount
1673 G.Monks (salary June 2020)
1674 M. Couzens (salary June 2020)
1676 Green Grass Contracting (Grass cut 16/6) £374.40
1677 G Monks (reimbursement defibrillator pads and stamps) £85.14
Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to pay cheques 1673 to 1677.
401/July 2020 Planning Matters to be Reported and Considered
141062, Land to north of Farrows Row Ingham Lincoln, LN1 2XX erect 1no. dwelling – there was no change to previously submitted comments.
141217, Cliff Farm The Cliff Ingham Lincoln LN1 2YQ, erect a general agricultural machinery storage building – no comments were made.
402/July 2020 Risk Assessment
The Clerk presented the report showing that the play equipment is operational safe to use. Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to ratify the decision to re-open the play park with the mitigating measures in place highlighted in the risk assessment. Councillor Brown will raise the issue of an oil deposit and suspicious vehicle in the car park with the school headteacher.
403/July 2020 Neighbourhood Plan
Councillor Nicholson updated Councillors with progress made. A draft site assessment report has been sent by AECOM. This will be circulated to Councillors. There will be a public event in due course to record residents’ comments.
404/July 2020 COVID-19
Councillors agreed to maintain current measures. Councillor Nicholson thanked everyone who has assisted in the community. The governing body for Parish Councils continues to recommend virtual meetings.
405/July 2020 Village Hall funding
The Village Hall activity was discussed.
406/July 2020 Consideration of the request to use the car park
Councillors agreed not to allow use of the car park until a review has been completed of current usage by vendors.
407/July 2020 Review of Curry Jacks
The Clerk will ask Curry Jacks and Fleurs Kitchen what their experience and plans are.
408/July 2020 Protection of the verge on the High Street
Councillors did not agree to the installation of stakes on the verge. The Clerk will try to arrange a meeting with Highways to discuss other options.
409/July 2020 Track Closure Short Lane
Councillor Brown provided an update on discussions with Mr. Rose. Mr. Rose does not want to allow use of the track to Fillingham to the public due to concerns over damage to the verges and wildlife areas planted adjacent to it. There is also concern over pedestrian safety due to large farm vehicles using this part of the track. Mr. Rose has noted a marked increase in footpath usage during lockdown but many are straying from the paths and damaging the adjacent wildlife/ planting. The track therefore remain closed for the time being. The Parish Council will try to include this issue within the Neighbourhood Plan.
410/July 2020 Tree Overhanging Footpath and Tree Inspections
The Clerk will request that the tree adjacent to the footpath on West End/ High Street is cut back. The Clerk will ask the Parish Council insurer about any rules on the frequency of tree inspections in the village.
411/July 2020 Parish Council website
The Clerk reported that he had begun the population of the new site and this is required to meet new accessibility regulation. Councillors agreed that he should record time spent so that a payment for time can be made.
412/July 2020 Correspondence Received
All correspondence was discussed as part of agenda items.
413/July 2020 Date of the next Parish Council meeting
The next Ingham Parish Council meeting will be on held on 14th September 2020.
Meeting Ended 20.41