13th January 2020
Minutes of the Meeting of Ingham Parish Council
Date: Monday 13th January 2020
Venue: Ingham & Cammeringham Village Hall
Attendance: Councillors: M. Nicholson (Chairman), N. Brown (Vice Chairman), M. Dickinson, B.Buck, R. Woods, R. Graham. Also attending: G. Monks (Clerk) and 7 members of the public.
218/January 2020 Public Session
Representatives of Waddington Developments provided an overview of plans for bungalows to the north and south of the Lincoln Road development.
219/ January 2020 Apologies for absence
Councillors Harris and Stonham, District Councillor Roger Patterson, PCSO McFaul
220/January 2020 Consideration of public session maters
Councillor Nicholson requested that the Clerk arrange a public meeting so residents of the village may hear the ideas presented by Waddington Developments and answer any questions they may have.
221/January 2020 Declarations of interest from members in accordance with the Local Government Act (members may make declarations of interest and dispensations at this point but may also make them at any time during the course of the meeting)
222/January 2020 Co-option of a new Councillor
Mr. Barrie Buck signed the declaration of acceptance form.
223/January 2020 Village Caretaker’s report
No update.
224/January 2020 Notes of the Meeting of Ingham Parish Council held on the 9th December 2019 to be approved as
the Minutes
Proposed Councillor Brown seconded Councillor Woods and RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Minutes of the meeting of 9th December 2019.
225/January 2020 Police report
A report by PCSO McFaul noted that on 7th January an envelope containing cash was found in a Lincoln Road bus stop.
226/January 2020 Clerk’s report on matters outstanding
The Clerk reported that the post box stump on Lincoln Road has not yet been removed. The steps on Grange Lane have been scheduled for repair by LCC. Lincoln Road development – the transfer of open space continues. The Local Councillor Initiative Fund Remembrance Day grant has now been received. A tree survey of trees on The Green and pond site is arranged for Spring 2020. Play area lease – the Clerk is awaiting for Ingham School to clarify the contact point. The pot hole on Church Hill has been repaired. The pot hole at Crossways has been reported to LCC. An unstable kerb stone opposite The Inn on the Green has also been reported. Flooding on Long Lane has been reported to LCC. An interview for the Caretaker vacancy has been arranged.
227/ January 2020 P3 Liaison Officer’s report
Councillor Woods reported that all footpaths are walkable.
228/January 2020 Items raised by Councillors for future agenda
229/January 2020 County Council Issues
No report.
230/January 2020 District Council issues
The District Councillor sent apologies.
231/January 2020 Approve mid-term Audit Report and invoice payment
Proposed Councillor Nicholson seconded Councillor Brown and RESOLVED unanimously to approve the audit report and pay the invoice of £30.
232/January 2020 Financial report including resolution to make payments to:
Cheque Number Payee Amount
1639 G.Monks (December salary)
1640 B. Solly (Interim audit fee) £30
1641 Citizens Advice Bureau (donation) £50
1642 G. Monks (mileage & postage) £42
Proposed Councillor Dickinson seconded Councillor Woods and RESOLVED unanimously to pay cheques 1639 to 1642.
233/January 2020 Budget 2020/21
The Clerk presented a revised draft budget.
234/January 2020 Final Precept Claim
Proposed Councillor Dickinson seconded Councillor Brown and RESOLVED unanimously to request a precept of £21,355, representing a 3% increase. The precept is funded through the council taxes of parishioners, albeit a very small percentage, and is used by the Parish Council to fund activities such as village grass cutting, repairs and replacement of assets such as bins and seats, caretaker activities and more.
235/January 2020 Planning Matters to be Reported and Considered:
Planning application 140378, Land to the west of 3 Church Lane Ingham Gainsborough LN12XW, remove existing garage and erect 1no. dwelling. The Parish Council agreed to return comments relating to concerns over drainage, the plot is within the conservation area and the allocation for new dwellings has been met and exceeded in the village.
236/January 2020 Risk Assessment Play Area and Playground
The Clerk presented the report which noted that the play equipment on the playing field and defibrillators were operationally safe.
237/January 2020 Neighbourhood Plan
Councillor Nicholson summarised progress. The Clerk will circulate a draft communication for a call for sites to residents.
238/January 2020 Grass Cutting
Proposed Councillor Nicholson seconded Councillor Dickinson and RESOLVED unanimously to select Green Grass Contracting as grass cutting contractors for the next 3 years at the same rates as 2019.
239/January 2020 Christmas Tree
Councillor Nicholson will arrange removal of the tree.
240/January 2020 Community Fibre Partnership
Councillor Nicholson provided an overview of the initiative to provide a contribution to costs of having fibre connections to a premises. £500 can be made available to residents toward the cost of installation via the Gigabit Voucher Scheme. Councillor Nicholson will register an interest.
241/January 2020 Village Hall Grant Aid
There was discussion about the correspondence received. The Parish Council have taken into account the possible request for a donation to the Village Hall Committee in 2020/21 in the budget and will decide on a Village Hall Committee representative at their next meeting.
242/January 2020 Correspondence Received
All correspondence was discussed as part of agenda items except for a notification of awards for Chairpersons by LALC. The Parish Council will nominate Mr Mick Slack.
243/January 2020 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting
The next Meeting of Ingham Parish Council will be on Monday 10th February 2020.
Meeting Ended 20.52