9th January 2023 Minutes


Minutes of the Meeting of Ingham Parish Council

Date: Monday 9th January 2023

Venue: Ingham Village Hall

Attendance: Councillors: M. Nicholson (Chairman), N. Brown (Vice Chairman), M. Dickinson, G. Stonham, S. Jacklin, S. Lee and H. Wilson. Also attending: G. Monks (Clerk), M. Couzens (Village Caretaker), County Councillor Butroid and 3 parishioners.


Public Session

A parishioner enquired whether a plaque to commemorate the life of Mrs Mayes could be attached to a seat in the village and whether the Parish Council would provide a new seat on the s-bend of West End/ Long Lane.

069/ January 2023 Apologies for absence

Councillor Miller, PCSO McFaul, District Councillor Patterson. 

070/ January 2022 Consideration of public session matters

This request was considered under the appropriate agenda item.

072/ January 2023 Declarations of interest from members in accordance with the Local Government Act (members may make declarations of interest and dispensations at this point but may also make them at any time during the course of the meeting)

073/ January 2023 Village Caretaker’s report

The Village Caretaker reported that he had completed the safety checks of the play park and litter picks in the village.  He has also taken down the Christmas Tree lights.

074/ January 2023 Notes of the Monthly Meeting of Ingham Parish Council held on the 12th December 2022 to be approved as the Minutes

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Minutes of the meeting of 12th December 2022 with one amendment.

075/ January 2023 Police report


076/ January 2023 Clerk’s report on matters outstanding

The Clerk reported Footpath markings – markings on the path outside 16 High St. have been requested by the County Councillor. Road across The Green – Highways are looking at the costs of resurfacing. Play Area contract – awaiting a response from the LCC solicitor; Easement of the dyke – awaiting a response from the new owner of the scrap yard/ WLDC; Pot Holes on The Green – reported to LCC; Dog bin move – requested repositioning by LCC.  The Clerk also noted that the interim audit results had been received and that no issues had been found.  The Christmas Tree will be removed within the next week by Fillingham Trees. A community meeting about solar proposals has been arranged for 8th February.  The new play park bins have been ordered.

077/ January 2023 P3 Liaison Officer’s report

Councillor Stonham said that footpaths had been hard with ice and dog fouling is worsening, particularly on the footpath from the car park to Stow Road.  She also noted that some parishioners had requested that a plaque to commemorate Mrs. Mayes, who sadly died recently, could be placed on a seat in the village.  Councillors thought this was a good idea.

078/ January 2023 Items raised by Councillors for future agenda

Councillor Stonham requested that the Kings Coronation be an agenda item at the next meeting.

079/ January 2023 County Council Issues

Councillor Butroid agreed to chase Highways about improvements to footpaths in the village.  He also agreed to request that Grange Lane is assessed for a resurface.

080/ January 2023 District Council issues


081/ January 2023 Financial report including resolution to make payments to:

Cheque Number              Payee                                                                                                                                                                   Amount

1208                      G.Monks (salary December 2022)                                                                                                             

1209                      M. Couzens (salary December 2022)                                                                                                       

1835                      Green Grass Contracting (Hedge cut)                                                                                                       £234

1836                      Elite Pest Management (tennis Court pest control)                                                                            £174

1837                      G. Monks (mileage and stationery)                                                                                                          

1838                       Bridget Solly (Interim Audit fee)                                                                                                £30

1839                       LIVES (donation)                                                                                                                                               £80

1841                       HMRC Cumbernauld (NI payment)                                                                                                           £25

1842                       Scottish Widows General Account (Transfer of funds)                                                                      £21,334.17

                                                Bank Charges                                                                                                                                                     £8.60 Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to pay cheques 1208 to 1209 and 1835 to 1841.


Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to transfer £21,334.17 from HSBC current account to Scottish Widows General Account.

082/ January 2023 Budget

Councillors discussed the budget for 2023/24.

083/ January 2023 Final Precept

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to request a 3% increase in precept value for 2023/24, being £24,150.

084/ January 2023 Planning Matters to be Reported and Considered


085/ January 2023 Risk Assessment Play Area and Playground

The Clerk presented the report which noted that equipment was operationally safe and the defibrillators were emergency ready.  Councillor Stonham noted that the shelter in the play area required treatment and this will be addressed when the weather permits.

086/ January 2023 Multi Use Games Area

This will be a standing agenda item.  Councillor Wilson will chase an indicative quote for car park resurfacing.

087/ January 2023 Neighbourhood Plan

Councillor Nicholson reported that the design code assessment is awaited from AECOM.

088/ January 2023 Speed Data

The speed data showed an average speed on Lincoln Road of 28 mph and a high speed of 48.6 mph.

089/ January 2023 Community Speed Watch

The Clerk noted that there had been interest from one member of the community.  Further interest is awaited. 

090/ January 2023 Dyke Piping

A response has been submitted to Chattertons and feedback is awaited.

091/ January 2023 Solar Farm Proposals

A community meeting has been arranged for 8th February.  Councillors will distribute flyers to each household in the village.

092/ January 2023 Facebook Page

Councillor Brown agreed to create a Parish Council Facebook page which should be used to provide agreed messages to the community by Councillors.

093/ January 2023 Grange Lane Road Surface

Councillor Butroid agreed to report this issue to LCC Highways and request a re-surface.

094/ January 2023 Playing Field Trees

Councillors agreed that woodchip may be a good idea for the area around the newly planted trees on the playing field.  Councillor Jacklin will check whether there could be any issues with this.  Councillor Brown noted that a new seat in the Wessex Way open space has not been installed.  The Clerk will chase this.

095/ January 2023 Commemorative Seat

The Clerk was asked to ascertain who the owner of the verge adjacent to the caravan site at the s-bend of West End/ Long Lane.  Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to purchase 2 brown 1.8m seats from Earth Anchors should it be permitted to install one in this location.

096/ January 2023 Correspondence Received

All correspondence was discussed as part of agenda items except from a letter about and increase to photocopying costs from Ingham Primary School.

097/ January 2023 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting

The next Meeting of Ingham Parish Council will be on Monday 20th February 2023.          


Meeting Ended 20.26