13th November 2023 Minutes


Minutes of the Meeting of Ingham Parish Council

Date: Monday 13th November 2023       

Venue: Ingham Village Hall

Attendance: Councillors: N. Brown (Chairperson), T. Miller, S. Jacklin, H. Wilson, G. Stonham, S. Lee, P. Bell. Also attending: G. Monks (Clerk)


340/ November 2023 Apologies for absence

Councillor M. Nicholson, M. Couzens (Village Caretaker), County Councillor Butroid and District Councillor Patterson.

341/ November 2023 Consideration of public session matters


342/ November 2023 Declarations of interest from members in accordance with the Local Government Act (members may make declarations of interest and dispensations at this point but may also make them at any time during the course of the meeting)

343/ November 2023 Village Caretaker’s report

The Village Caretaker sent apologies.

344/ November 2023 Notes of the Meeting of Ingham Parish Council held on the 9th October 2023 to be approved as the Minutes

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Minutes of the meeting of 9th October 2023.

345/ November 2023 Police report

The Clerk presented the police statistics from the Police.uk website which showed three incidents in September 2023.

346/ November 2023 Clerk’s report on matters outstanding

Road across The Green – 3 Councillors, Clerk & County Councillor and LRSP met with Highways.  Highways will contact the Parish Council in January 2024 to tell us whether they can assist.  The Clerk will contact WLDC to enquire about compensation for damage to the road by bin lorries.  Councillor Wilson agreed to find tarmac quotations for the road; Play Area contract – the school are happy to accept the proposed arrangement; Easement of the dyke – Councillor Wilson said that progress is being made to remove the piping of the dyke form the s106; Speed sign – this was an agenda item; Defibrillator replacement – new stock is awaited by WLDC grant team; Tree survey – agenda item; Speed data – the average on Lincoln Road in Oct/Nov 23 was 27.8 mph with a high of 57.2 mph.

Councillor Lee noted that a street light on Saxon way was obscured by foliage.  The Clerk will report this.

Councillor Bell noted that there is no light on outside the school.  The Clerk will ask the school whether it is turned off at night.

347/ November 2023 P3 Liaison Officer’s report

Councillor Stonham reported that all paths are muddy and wet and a finger post sign is still missing on Long Lane.

348/ November 2023 Items raised by Councillors for future agenda

Councillor Lee requested that lighting is on the next agenda.

349/ November 2023 County Council Issues

Councillor Butroid sent apologies.

350/ November 2023 District Council issues

District Councillor Patterson sent apologies.

351/ November 2023 Financial report including resolution to make payments to:

Cheque Number               Payee                                                                                                                                                                    Amount

E024                      G. Monks (October 2023 salary)                                                                                                                 £

E025                      M. Couzens (salary October 2023)                                                                                                            £

E026                      Green Grass Contracting (inv 2985)                                                                                                          £463.68

E027                      G. Monks (reimbursement filing cabinet and A4)                                                                                £84.74

Cheque                 RBL Poppy Appeal (Wreaths) s.137                                                                                                           £40

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to make payments E024-E027 and cheque no….

352/ November 2023 Budget 2024/25

Councillors reviewed the budget for the forthcoming financial year. 

353/ November 2023 Estimated Precept 2024/25

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to submit an estimated precept of £24,875 being a 3% increase in value from 2023/24.

354/ November 2023 Planning Matters to be Reported and Considered

No applications received.

355/ November 2023 Risk Assessment Play Area and Playground

The Clerk presented the report which noted that equipment was operationally safe and the defibrillators were emergency ready.

356/ November 2023 Multi Use Games Area and car park surface

Councillor Lee presented her analysis of the questionnaire results noting that there had been 60 responses which were all positive in support for a MUGA and the need for the car park to be resurfaced.  Tennis is popular and will need to be incorporated into the plan.  Councillor Lee agreed to draft a questionnaire for completion by children at the school.  The Clerk will email Councillor Lee the grant application for the play park refurbishment.

357/ November 2023 Neighbourhood Plan

The Clerk provided an update on progress.

358/ November 2023 New Speed Indicator Device

The Clerk said that Councillor Wilson had asked a home owner adjacent to the proposed location for the new sign if they are happy with a new signed being positioned here.  There was no opposition.  The speed sign has been ordered.

359/ November 2023 Solar Farm Proposals

Councillor Stonham updated Councillors.

360/ November 2023 Scampton Base

There was no update.

361/ November 2023 Christmas Tree and illuminations

The Clerk said that the Christmas Tree had been ordered and would be delivered and erected on 29th November.  The Clerk will contact Ms McNaughton to inform her that the lights will be turned on on 2/12/23.  Councillors agreed that there should be a leaflet distributed to the community inviting parishioners to turn on their exterior illuminations over Christmas.  Councillor Lee will draft this and the Clerk will print them.

362/ November 2023 Tree Cutting quotations

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to select Lincolnshire Tree Services to undertake the tree works described in the tree survey.  The Clerk will make a formal request to WLDC for the works to be undertaken in the conservation area.

363/ November 2023 Letter from Ingham School Governors

Councillors RESOLVED to request the Village Caretaker cut back trees between the Tennis Court and school playground.

364/ November 2023 Letter from Lincolnshire County Council Asset Team

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to allow a fence to be improved as long as it is in keeping with the area.  The Clerk will also note this may be in the conservation area.

365/ November 2023 Remembrance Bench rules

This item was deferred until the next meeting.

366/ November 2023 Village Gardener

There was discussion about arranging a working group during the spring.

367/ November 2023 Clothes Bank

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously not to accept the offer of a new Clothes Bank.

368/ November 2023 Correspondence Received

All correspondence was discussed as part of agenda items except for a letter about polling districts and the register of electors.

369/ November 2023 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting

The next Meeting of Ingham Parish Council will be on Monday 11th December 2023.       


Meeting Ended 21.15