12th June 2023 Minutes


Minutes of the Meeting of Ingham Parish Council

Date: Monday 12th June 2023   

Venue: Ingham Village Hall

Attendance: Councillors: M. Nicholson (Chairman), G.Stonham, T. Miller, S. Jacklin, S. Lee, P. Bell and H. Wilson.

Also attending: G. Monks (Clerk), M. Couzens (Village Caretaker), District Councillor Patterson.


227/ July 2023 Apologies for absence

Councillor N. Brown, PCSO McFaul, County Councillor Butroid

228/ June 2022 Consideration of public session matters


229/ June 2023 Declarations of interest from members in accordance with the Local Government Act (members may make declarations of interest and dispensations at this point but may also make them at any time during the course of the meeting)

230/ June 2023 Village Caretaker’s report

The Village Caretaker reported that he had completed the safety checks of the play park and litter picks in the village.  He also reported that pot holes had been filled on the approach to the car park, the 2 sheds in the Tennis Court are deteriorating – this will be an agenda item at the next meeting, 2 new signs have been ordered saying’ please shut the gate’.

231/ June 2023 Notes of the Annual Meeting of Ingham Parish Council held on the 15th May 2023 to be approved as the Minutes

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Minutes of the meeting of 15th May 2023.

232/ June 2023 Police report

PCSO McFaul sent apologies. There was discussion about the reduction in PCSO’s in Lincolnshire.

233/ June 2023 Clerk’s report on matters outstanding

The Clerk reported Footpath markings – markings on the path outside 16 High St. have been requested by the County Councillor. Road across The Green – bin lorries continue to use this despite the closure – the Clerk will contact WLDC; Play Area contract – MN to contact the headteacher; Easement of the dyke – District Councillor Patterson will chase for an update; New seats – the seat in front of All Saints Church could be used for a plaque; Dog bin Grange Lane – the Clerk has reported this twice and will chase for a replacement; Tree survey – the Clerk noted that this will cost £400;  Commemorative Tree – a response from the tree officer is awaited. Speed data – the average speed has been 28.3mph in May/ June with a high speed of 53mph.  The Clerk noted that the exercise of public rights is between 5th June and 14th July 2023. The Clerk was asked to request an annual check of play equipment by Wicksteed.

234/ June 2023 P3 Liaison Officer’s report

Councillor Stonham reported the seat on Long Lane had been scraped.  The footpath behind Ingham House is overgrown.  The footpath/ bridleway to Fillingham is overgrown – the Clerk will contact Countryside Access to address this.  Wood chips have been placed around the trees planted on the playing field.

235/ June 2023 Items raised by Councillors for future agenda

No new items were raised.

236/ June 2023 County Council Issues

Councillor Butroid sent apologies.

237/ June 2023 District Council issues

District Councillor Patterson provided a verbal report which noted that a verdict is expected from the court injunction bought by West Lindsey District Council over the Scampton asylum seeker proposal.  There will be a judicial review in July 2023.

238/ June 2023 Village Venture costs

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to pay £220 to continue to publish in Village Venture during 2023/24.

239/ June 2023 Tree Survey Quotation

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to ask the tree surveyor to undertake the survey for £400.

240/ June 2023 Financial report including resolution to make payments to:

Cheque Number               Payee                                                                                                                                                                    Amount

1866                      G.Monks (salary May 2023)                                                                                                                         £

1867                      M. Couzens (salary May 2023)                                                                                                                    £

1868                     Green Grass Contracting (Grass cuts 5/5 & 22/5)                                                                                £927.36

1869                     G. Monks (reimbursement pink spray/ gate signs/ stamps)                                                             £20.20

1870                     BHIB Ltd (Insurance Premium)                                                                                                                    £698.29                               


Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to pay cheques 1866 to 1870. Budget performance was discussed.

241/ June 2023 Planning Matters to be Reported and Considered

Planning Application 146742, 3 Grange Lane Ingham Lincoln LN1 2YD, proposed change of use of existing

outbuilding to form an annexe – Councillors discussed this application and noted that the village have exceeded the number of new dwellings allocated by the local plan. The Clerk will respond objecting to the proposal.

242/ June 2023 Risk Assessment Play Area and Playground

The Clerk presented the report which noted that equipment was operationally safe and the defibrillators were emergency ready. The Caretaker was asked to check whether the ‘Robina 5 balancing water lilies’ were tight.  The Clerk was asked to arrange for keys to be cut for Councillors for the playing field gate.

243/ June 2023 Multi Use Games Area and car park surface

The Clerk reported that there would be a site meeting on 23rd June with the West Lindsey grant team to discuss the proposal and grant options.  Councillor Nicholson will circulate the revised questionnaire to Councillors.

244/ June 2023 Neighbourhood Plan

Councillor Nicholson reported that the design code document had been reviewed and AECOM will be finalising this soon.

245/ June 2023 New Speed Indicator Device

Councillors reviewed some SID options.  The Clerk will ask LRSP whether the current locations continue to be appropriate.

246/ June 2023 Solar Farm Proposals

Councillor Stonham noted that 7000 Acres will be providing regular updates and she will forward an email to the Clerk.  Councillors agreed that the joint statement should be sent.

247/ June 2023 Bonfire Night Insurance

Councillor Nicholson provided an overview. The Clerk said that the Parish Council insurer would agree to insure the event if it were solely run by the Parish Council.  A response from the Village Hall Committee is awaited.

248/ June 2023 The Book Exchange

Following discussion, it was agreed that this needed to be tidied up.  Councillor Lee will monitor its condition.

249/ June 2023 Request to use The Green

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to allow the use of The Green on 24/6/23 for a dog show.

250/ June 2023 Defibrillator Training

The Clerk will request potential dates from LIVES when training can be provided.

251/ June 2023 review of actions from the Annual Parish Meeting

There were no actions to discuss.

252/ June 2023 Correspondence Received

All correspondence was discussed as part of agenda items.

253/ June 2023 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting

The next Meeting of Ingham Parish Council will be on Monday 10th July 2023.    


Meeting Ended 20.42