Minutes 8.4.21

Date: 8th April 2021                          Venue: Microsoft Teams               Start: 19.30

Attendees:, Mark Nicholson, N. Brown, Maggie Warren, Christine Walker, Gill Stonham, Kathryn Jones, Palmira Arenaz, S. Kemp (Openplan), Gavin Monks (Clerk)

Apologies: Virginia McNaughton, J. Redmile

Councillor Nicholson acknowledged receipt of the DRAFT AECOM Sites Assessment Report that will replace the first version produced in 2020.  The next step following finalisation of the report will be to invite the public to have their say.

It was noted that the report incorporates the feedback received from landowners that related to the first version.

S Kemp noted that the process had been followed correctly and parishioners will now have all information in front of them when they make their comment.  It puts the project in a good position to take a broader view since the allocation for new dwellings has already been met for the village.

Councillor Brown said that we need to let parishioners know that they have the power and there are some ‘trade offs’ if some planning were allowed.

Councillor Nicholson said the village may decide that no further development is wanted or needed.  The community will vote on whether this is the case.

P Arenaz noted that there is a need to protect Green Space such as the hedge on Lincoln Road that has been affected by the Lincoln Road development.

Committee members agreed that the draft sites assessment report should be sent to landowners prior to finalisation and public review.

There was discussion about use of the Village Hall which is scheduled to re-open from 17th May.  A combination of mediums may be needed to engage with the public i.e. face to face and virtual/ webinar.

It was agreed that the event for parishioners to review and express preferences/ opposition to sites should not include landowners.  Clearly landowners may join the event to express their preferences if they are a parishioner of the village.

S Kemp pointed out that the draft report is a technical report produced independently by AECOM.  A decision will be made by the community and the steering committee are overseeing this.  Residents may decide to override the assessments made by AECOM.

Action: The Clerk will send the draft report to landowners and request any responses from them by 16th April.

It was agreed that public meetings will be scheduled for 24th May at the Village Hall.

Action: The Clerk will check availability of the Village Hall and any restrictions on numbers.

A summary of the report may be needed for display purposes and also a voting/ comments sheet

Action: Councillor Nicholson will produce a summary Powerpoint presentation.

S Kemp asked if the vision and objectives should be included in this and also the idea of an employment site.

M. Warren said it may be too much for one evening to fit in.

G Stonham said we need to ensure parishioners know they are in a powerful position.

Councillor Nicholson said this should be made clear in the invitations to the event.

Councillor Brown added that the invitation should be a letter to every resident which gives an overview of the progress made to this point and inviting them to attend an event.

S Kemp provided an update on progress made with other aspects of the Plan.  The Green Space documents have been drafted.  He will send the Clerk an updated quotation for the expected costs of the next steps of the process so that the next tranche of funding can be arranged.

End 20.21