Minutes 25/9/19
Date: 25th September 2019 Venue: Village Hall `Start: 19.00
Attendees: Mark Nicholson, Kathryn Jones, Gill Stonham, Christine Walker, Gavin Monks (Clerk), Maggie Warren, Steve Kemp, Simone Landucci
Apologies: Keith Wagstaff, Nick Brown
Steve Kemp provided an overview of the forthcoming Neighbourhood Plan process and highlighted the benefit of a finalised plan of providing greater influence in the shape of the future of the Village and that it must be considered in the planning process. (see presentation)
Action: It was advised that the PC should meet the WLDC policy team to understand the interaction between the NPlan and the Local Plan that is currently being revised. Steve Kemp will facilitate this.
It was noted that Locality funding is available (up to £8k) to assist with the allocation of sites and design guidance/ housing needs assessment in the NPlan. Assistance may be provided by ACOM.
The Steering Group need to decide whether the NPlan will allocate sites and then apply for funding asap. Action: Clerk to look into funding application with Locality.
The next step is Visioning which is the foundation of the NPlan. A finalised plan cannot influence anything outside of Planning, but appendicies can be attached noting the aspirations for the Village.
Simone described Neighbourhood Profiling. The next step is to present the questionnaire analysis results to the community on 9th October followed by a visioning workshop. (see presentation)
Action: The Clerk will check PSMA access and sign licence agreement with Openplan
1. Desk based Character Assessment Action: Openplan will conduct a desk based character assessment
2. Character Area. Action: The Steering Group will divide the Village into 3-4 areas for character assessment and send to Openplan by 9th October.
3. Character Overview. A series of community events should be arranged. A character overview event will use a map to identify character areas and this will then be fed back to Openplan.
4. A community walkabout can be arranged. It is important to take lots of photos to support. Routes need to be established beforehand. Need to record what to Continue doing, Stop doing and Start doing. Groups should be up to 10 people in size with a mix of people and ages. The school could be asked to get involved too. A weekend is probably best and there should be a map based character review for 1 hour beforehand followed by the walkabout (1-2 hours). Aim for late Oct/ early Nov to hold.
It is recommended that the Neighbourhood Plan is promoted at all village events if possible.
5/6 Profile Report
Steering Group sends Openplan, walkabout data, photos, maps.
Openplan draft the plan (mid November)
The draft is presented to the community.
The Steering Group will meet on 7th October at 7.30pm