Minutes 12/3/20
Date: 12th March 2020 Venue: Village Hall `Start: 19.00
Attendees: Mark Nicholson, Maggie Warren, Steve Kemp, Nick Brown, Christine Walker, Gill Wilson, Palmira Arenot, Gavin Monks (Clerk)
Apologies: Gill Stonham, Kathryn Jones, John Bayes, Jo Redmile
Councillor Nicholson gave an overview of the Parish Council meeting on 9th March. There were 24 members of the public that attended, many of whom voiced their opposition to development. It was felt that the Parish Council were able to address many of the issues highlighted and made it clear that the neighbourhood plan call for sites process was not about encouraging development but to assess if development is appropriate for the village, and if so, then where it could be sited, what type of housing it should be, size and number of dwellings etc. The Chairman has invited some of these residents to attend our steering committee meetings.
The Clerk will send Palmira, Gill and Jo a copy of the latest Neighbourhood Profile document.
Steve Kemp provided an overview of the Green space Assessment process and it allows local communities to identify green areas of special importance for protection. This would have to be with the agreement of the landowner. Not every green space can be designated. A green space is generally small scale, close to the community, holds a particular significance to the community e.g. history, wildlife, recreational, local character.
Steve advised it would be best to start by looking at the whole green infrastructure of the village and then within that to identify the areas to protect. Identification of key public rights of way and areas used for recreation will assist.
Palmira noted that a 10 increase in biodiversity needs to be demonstrated by developers.
Steve is currently producing the Green Space templates to help with the process and will send these to the Clerk as soon as possible.
Christine noted a wildlife report she has for the plot to the rear of her property. Steve said that it is useful but would require update if it were to be in the plan.
Local Wildlife Sites can be designated with the assistance of The Greater Lincolnshire Nature Partnership, and this would be a material planning consideration.
Palmira said she liked the idea of a communal garden
It may not be necessary to include Parish Green or Areas of Outstand Natural Beauty as part of the Green Space designation since these areas are already protected.
The Green Space Assessment will start with a desk based assessment of green areas followed by a walkabout. Steve is happy to join the steering committee for this. It will also include the identification of key views and vistas. The wellness impact of certain vistas and walks can be captured also.
Maggie asked if there is guidance on how large a village can be. Steve is looking into identifying where the tipping point is.
Meeting ended 20.15