MInutes 15/1/20

Date: 15th January 2019                 Venue: Ingham and Cammeringham Village Hall

Start: 7pm

Attendees: Christine Walker, Keith Wagstaff, Gavin Monks, Maggie Warren, Gill Stonham, Kathryn Jones, Gavin Monks & Janet Clark, Steve Kemp, Simone Landucci

Apologies: Mark Nicholson, Nick Brown

The steering committee provided an overview of progress to date including designating the plan area, a public meeting to obtain volunteers for the committee and providing some initial thoughts and the drafting of a questionnaire.

Janet Clark outlined her role and noted that Community Lincs can analyse the feedback from the questionnaire responses when received and provide a feedback event to the community.

Janet said she would recommend that she helps refine the draft questionnaire and in the meantime the steering committee should publish a note in the Village Venture to inform/ prepare the community for it’s circulation and to show that there is progress with the plan.

There could then be further communications sent perhaps monthly to the community updating them on progress.

The Clerk should apply for funding on 1st April and Janet is happy to assist with review this application.

The Clerk will set up a Google Drive account so that documents can easily be shared. Login details will be sent to all.

It was recommended that the Neighbourhood Plan roadmap is referred to and is present at every meeting for reference.

A logo could be developed for the Neighbourhood Plan and the school could be asked to assist with this.

It was recommended that the steering committee also meet with Nev Brown (WLDC).  WLDC do provide a possible additional grant of up to £5k.

Steve and Simone talked through Openplan’s role.  He noted that the location and appearance of development can be controlled.  The process takes approximately 12months from the point of obtaining funding.  The first 6 months of this is where the heavier workload is for the steering committee and the remainder is largely consultation.

The first step for Openplan is to complete a neighbourhood profile in April/ May which consists of a series of community events including a possible village walkabout for the community to gather  their view on how the village is used, designs and what they like.  The results could be presented back to the community at the Summer Fayre.

He pointed out that the Local Plan only defines the minimum amount of housing for a village (i.e. 15% for Ingham) but community support must be obtained if this threshold is exceeded.

The steering committee will meet next on 30th January 2019 and will try to draft a flyer to the community.

End 20.45