Minutes 2/3/20
Date: 2nd March 2020 Venue: Village Hall `Start: 19.00
Attendees: Mark Nicholson, Kathryn Jones, Steve Kemp, John Bayes, Nick Brown, Christine Walker, Gavin Monks (Clerk)
Apologies: Maggie Warren, Gill Stonham
Councillor Nicholson gave an overview of recent progress made relating to the recent call for sites and public meeting.
John Bayes talked through changes made to the Draft Neighbourhood Profile after feedback from the steering committee. An updated version will be forwarded to the steering committee by John.
The Clerk noted that only half of the Locality grant had been spent to date and the likelihood would be that there would need to be a re-application if it was not spent by 31st March 2020.
Openplan said that the next steps are to undertake a Green Space Assessment and Important Views Assessment. They will meet the steering committee at their next meeting to provide training on how to complete these.
Councillor Brown asked when the revised local plan may conclude and give an indication of any change to the allocation of new dwellings to Ingham.
It is thought it could be by the end of summer 2020 and there may be a further 5-10% allocated. It was noted that Scampton base could be viewed as a preferred area to develop in.
Openplan asked whether a design assessment had been considered. The steering committee felt it would probably be needed.
Openplan raised the idea of employment sites where the Neighbourhood Plan could show a preference for particular place for businesses/ employment to operate such as the Ingham Business Park. Councillor Nicholson will mention this to Henry Wilson.
Openplan said that often steering groups arrange a public meeting at which residents can express a yes or no vote for each of the sites put forward in the call for sites. This would take place after the Aecom technical assessment.
The next meeting of the steering committee will be on 12th March at 7pm. Openplan will attend to provide Green Space Assessment training. Information about the Green Space Assessment will be circulated prior to this meeting by John Bayes.
Meeting ended 20.00