Minutes 22.4.21

Date: 22nd April 2021                     Venue: Microsoft Teams               Start: 19.30

Attendees:, Mark Nicholson, N. Brown, Christine Walker, Kathryn Jones, Palmira Arenaz, Gavin Monks (Clerk)

Apologies: Virginia McNaughton, J. Redmile, Maggie Warren, Gill Stonham, S. Kemp (Openplan),

There was discussion about the response received from Chave Planning with respect to the AECOM report.

Action: The Clerk was asked to enquire with AECOM what the legal situation is if there is a challenge from a landowner.

It was agreed that the Neighbourhood Profile and Green Infrastructure reports would not be changed to reflect the requests by Chave Planning.

The next stage is to consult with the public on the AECOM assessments.  Councillor Nicholson will generate a powerpoint summarising the information in the report.

The Clerk has requested use of the village hall on 24th May 2021 however he is awaiting confirmation from the booking secretary.

End 20.15